Project duration: 13.01.2013 - 31.12.2014
Total budget: 747 685 EUR, CBC ENPI Karelia grant - 597 685 EUR
Objective of the project: Improvement of water resources management and utilization in the Northern Ladoga region.
Main activities:
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Project summary
The natural resources of Ladoga Lake and its basin are being widely utilized for economic and other purposes and they secure the efficient operations of the society in Northern Priladozhje (Northern littoral zone of Ladoga located in the Republic of Karelia). The intensity of natural resource utilization is quite high and it places negative impact on the environmental condition of Ladoga’s water system.
The main share of negative impact on the lake’s ecosystem belongs to different discharges of untreated (or insufficiently treated) water from settlement located on the shore of the Lake. The increased negative impact on environment is characterized by high capacities of sewage water discharged by industrial and communal objects, emissions of smoke and dust substances in the ambient air and solid waste stored at landfills.
The streams of Ladoga basin have suffered because of morphological changes for timber floating, drainage or damming which also have an impact on endangered species like the Ladoga landlocked salmon. The water monitoring and habitat quality results are indicating that all types of above-stated anthropogenic impacts being at force for decades, are lacing significant damage to the natural resources of Lake Ladoga.
The proposed Action aimes at identification and introduction of efficient (low cost but effective) measures for reducing the negative anthropogenic impacts on the ecosystem of Lake Ladoga with the focus on solving problems with communal waste water facilities discharging untreated sewage waters in the lake. The Action presupposes identification and mapping of the main environmental "hot spots" of Northern Ladoga Lake area, development of recommendations for water and bio-resources protection and sustainable use, development of feasibility studies for rehabilitation or construction of selected communal object and investment plans on local and regional levels. Also small investment infrastructural project implementation is planned jointly with ZAO "Karelvodokanal".
More detailed information about project activities and results you can find in the HERE.