On March 27th hotel “Karelia” hosted an information seminar of a “Clean Ladoga” project, where experts presented the results of the first in 10 years comprehensive research of Ladoga Lake’s water resources and recommendations on the preservation of Ladoga’s biodiversity learn more...
Speaker/ topic of presentation
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Berdino Alexander Presentation of goals, expected results and main activities of “Clean Ladoga” project
Russian |
Goldenberg Polina Modernization of legal regulation of water bodies use and protection
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Gorbunova Valentina Results of pilot project in Sortavala
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Grafova Elena Assessment of the influence exerted by untreated sewage waters on Ladoga Lake
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Ieshko Eugeny Pearl-shells population condition in the rivers of Ladoga lake basin
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Kaukoranta Markku Restoration of transborder salmon rivers (LieToLoHi project)
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Komulainen Sergey Evaluation river condition through hydro-chemical markers and hydrobiocenosis structure
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Laajala Esa Results of research of necessity for remediation of rivers disgorging into Ladoga lake
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Litvinenko Alexander Map charts of water and biological resources on the base of GIS technology, opportunities for their application
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Lozovik Petr Anthropogenic impact on Ladoga lake from point and disperse sources located in Karelia
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Filatov Nikolay Lakes Ladoga and Onego: largest lakes of Europe. Modern state and changes
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Heikkilä Raimo Results of first year implementation of the project in Finland
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