Project news

On October 28-29, 2021, the third seminar on the LowTEMP2.0 project was held in Petrozavodsk. The topic of this seminar was "Modern technologies and equipment for heat supply".
8 november 2021
Round table "Waste as a resource? Exchange of experience on waste management, circular economy and exclusion of Barents hot spots", held with the participation of Norsk Energi with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Environment and Climate, was held in Petrozavodsk on October 26, 2021.
28 october 2021
The NatureBEST project is coming to an end, and we are ready to show its results
27 october 2021
On September 30, students of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of PetrSU took part in on-site "Green School" held at the "Urozero" center.
6 october 2021
On September 22, 2021, students and teachers of groups 51302 and 45401 of the Institute of Forest, Mining and Construction Sciences of PetrSU took part in the "Green School" of the KA 5041 project «Green Nature Based Solutions in Tourism to reduce negative impact on the environment»
23 september 2021
On September 21, the final seminar on the KA5041 project "Green Nature Based Solutions in Tourism to reduce negative impact on the environment" was held
22 september 2021
On November 18, 2021, the final conference of the project on low-temperature district heating will be held in Gdansk, Poland. Everyone interested in invited to participate.
14 september 2021
An article on project KA5041 was published by the Finnish-language newspaper
12 august 2021
The main efforts were made to reconstruct the thermal unit of the hotel building.
3 august 2021
On June 24, 2021, the mobile hydrological laboratory of the KarCHEM conducted water sampling in the Tohmajoki River at 7 points on the Russian side. The analysis of samples for the content of heavy metals will be carried out.
28 june 2021
On May 21, 2021, the conference "Low-temperature heat supply, technologies and equipment" was held for students of the Department of Energy Supply of Enterprises and Energy Saving of Petrozavodsk State University
28 may 2021
Kostomuksha Nature Reserve presented a short film about the first steps towards the use of renewable energy sources
12 may 2021
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